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indeed not

  • 1 NOT

    lá (as for not- as a prefix = un-, see below). According to VT42:33, lá is the stressed form of the negation, whereas la is the unstressed form (cf. la- as the pretonic prefix *"not-" or *"un-", VT45:25). NO INDEED NOT lala; DON'T áva, avá; DON'T DO IT! áva carë!; I WILL NOT: vá (exclamation, also = Do not!); avan, ván, vanyë "I won't", avammë, vammë "we won't" (notice that if plural rather than dual, Tolkien later revised the ending for “we” from –mmë to –lmë); NOT COUNTING hequa (leaving aside, excluding, except), NOT COUNTED unotë, unotëa (read *únotë, *únotëa?) (uncounted), NOT TO BE SAID, THAT MUST NOT BE SAID avaquétima, NOT TO BE TOLD OR RELATED avanyárima. There are also specific verbs for NOT BE, NOT DO; concerning these, see entry BE. –LA, WJ:371, 364/365, VT39:14, WJ:370

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > NOT

  • 2 indeed

    indeed [ɪnˈdi:d]
       a. (indicating confirmation, agreement) en effet
    did you know him? -- I did indeed vous le connaissiez ? -- oui, tout à fait
    are you coming? -- indeed I am! vous venez ? -- bien sûr !
    I don't know what she said, indeed I don't want to know je ne sais pas ce qu'elle a dit, d'ailleurs je ne veux pas le savoir
    he was happy, indeed delighted, to hear the news il était content, et même ravi, d'entendre la nouvelle
    that's praise indeed coming from him venant de lui, c'est vraiment un compliment
    I am very grateful/pleased indeed je suis vraiment reconnaissant/très content
       d. (showing interest, irony, surprise) indeed? vraiment ?
    did you indeed! vraiment ?
    who is that man? -- who is he indeed? qui est-ce ? -- bonne question !
    * * *
    1) ( certainly) en effet, effectivement

    ‘it's unfair’ - ‘indeed!’ — ‘c'est injuste’ - ‘en effet!’

    ‘indeed I am!’ — ‘bien sûr que oui!’

    ‘indeed you can’ ou ‘you can indeed’ — ‘bien sûr que oui’

    ‘he's not coming, is he?’ - ‘indeed he is!’ — ‘lui, il ne vient pas?’ - ‘bien sûr que si!’

    2) ( in fact) en fait

    she is polite, indeed charming — elle est polie et même charmante

    3) ( for emphasis) vraiment

    ‘does he indeed?’ — ‘ah bon?’, ‘vraiment?’

    ‘why did she do it?’ - ‘why indeed?’ — ‘pourquoi est-ce qu'elle l'a fait?’ - ‘ça c'est une bonne question’

    English-French dictionary > indeed

  • 3 indeed

    1 ( certainly) en effet, effectivement ; it is indeed likely that il est en effet or effectivement probable que ; there had indeed been a plot il y avait effectivement eu un complot ; ‘it's unfair’-‘indeed!’ ‘c'est injuste’-‘en effet!’ ; ‘are you interested?’-‘indeed I am!’ ou ‘yes indeed!’ ‘ça t'intéresse?’-‘bien sûr que oui!’ ; ‘can you see it from there?’-‘indeed you can’ ou ‘you can indeed’ ‘est-ce qu'on peut le voir de là?’-‘bien sûr que oui’ ; ‘he's not coming, is he?’-‘indeed he is!’ ‘lui, il ne vient pas?’-‘bien sûr que si!’ ; ‘did she really leave him?’-‘she did indeed!’ ‘est-ce qu'elle l'a vraiment laissé tomber?’-‘oui!’ ;
    2 ( in fact) en fait ; it won't harm them-indeed it might be to their advantage cela ne leur nuira pas-en fait cela peut tourner à leur avantage ; he was a colleague, indeed a friend c'était un collègue et en fait or et même un ami ; she is polite, indeed charming elle est polie et même charmante ; I feel, indeed I am convinced, that je pense, je suis même convaincu que ; if indeed that is what consumers want si c'est vraiment ce que veulent les consommateurs ;
    3 ( for emphasis) vraiment ; very clever/traditional indeed vraiment très intelligent/traditionnel ; it was very hot indeed il faisait vraiment très chaud ; I was very sad indeed to hear j'ai été vraiment attristé d'apprendre ; that's very good news indeed ce sont vraiment de bonnes nouvelles ; to know very little indeed about sth savoir vraiment très peu sur qch ; that was praise indeed coming from him! venant de lui c'était vraiment un compliment! ; we are very grateful indeed for… nous sommes profondément reconnaissants de… ; thank you very much indeed merci mille fois ;
    4 iron (expressing surprise, disbelief) ‘he knows you’-‘does he indeed?’ ‘il te connaît’-‘ah bon?’, ‘vraiment?’ ; a bargain indeed! it's a rip-off ! tu parles d'une affaire! c'est de l'arnaque ! ; ‘why did she do it?’-‘why indeed?’ ‘pourquoi est-ce qu'elle l'a fait?’-‘ça je me le demande’, ‘ça c'est une bonne question’.

    Big English-French dictionary > indeed

  • 4 indeed

    Также как и в случае с частицей actually, базовой функцией частицы indeed является функция указания на действительное положение дел. Indeed употребляется в этой функции достаточно часто и обычно переводится русским действительно:

    • "... I had been promised a meeting with one Julius Gore-Urquhart, of whom you may have heard." Dixon had indeed heard of Gore-Urquhart... (KA: 47)

    "... Мне обещали встречу с неким Джулиусом Гор-Эркхартом, о котором вы, возможно, слышали." Диксон действительно слышал о Гор-Эркхарте...

    • She asked the Duchess of Abercorn whether this was indeed the case. (EL: 147)

    Она спросила герцогиню Эберкорн, действительно ли это так (так ли это на самом деле).

    • Angelica, he learns from Tardieu, was indeed at the conference, but didn't join the sightseeing tour. (DL: 298)

    Как он узнал от Тардье, Анжелика действительно была на конференции, но не поехала со всеми на экскурсию по городу.

    Нередко можно встретить случаи, когда указание на действительное положение дел носит эмфатический характер. Довольно типичны, в частности, случаи, когда говорящий с помощью частицы подчеркивает, что у него нет абсолютно никаких сомнений в правильности своей оценки или суждения:

    • "... we've had a deluge, indeed, from all over the country. Cards, calls, the most glorious flowers..." (DT: 390)

    "Мы получили настоящий поток соболезнований со всей страны. Открытки, звонки, великолепные цветы..."

    • "This has been an odd morning indeed. Most peculiar. I'll tell you about it on the way." (DT: 559)

    "Сегодня поистине необычное утро. Чрезвычайно странное. Я тебе все расскажу по пути."

    Встречаются также и другие случаи эмфазы с помощью indeed. Стоит упомянуть, в частности, интенсификацию маловероятности в придаточном предложении, вводимом союзом if:

    • For the first time he couldn't avoid imagining what she'd say to him, if indeed she'd say something, when he next saw her. (KA: 64)

    Он впервые невольно представил, что она ему скажет, если она вообще что-то скажет, при их следующей встрече.

    Интересны также случаи, когда indeed используется для подчеркивания истинности предшествующего высказывания, что в русском часто осуществляется с помощью частицы и:

    • Moreover, by yielding now he would be able to bob up again, as indeed he did a week or so later... (EL: 256)

    Более того, уступив сейчас, он сможет опять сделать по-своему, что и случилось примерно неделю спустя...

    Другую распространенную функцию частицы indeed можно определить как введение актуального комментария. В этой своей функции частица соединяет два высказывания (или части сложного предложения), причем второе выступает как актуальный комментарий к первому и нередко усиливает его. Русские эквиваленты частицы indeed в этой функции сильно зависят от контекста и степени усиления. Как видно из нижеследующих примеров, встречаются как относительно нейтральное на самом деле, так и эксплицитно усилительные даже и более того:

    • Why did she take the unusual course of approaching the Prime Minister instead of speaking first to Lady Flora... ? Lady Tavistock, indeed, later said that she herself had wished to take up the matter direct with Lady Flora but 'circumstances' prevented her. (EL: 119)

    Почему она выбрала необычный путь и обратилась к премьер-министру вместо того, чтобы сначала поговорить с леди Флорой... ? На самом деле, позже леди Тэвисток говорила, что сама она хотела поднять вопрос напрямую с леди Флорой, но 'обстоятельства' помешали ей.

    •... a sign... that King Leopold was out of touch with his niece's situation. Indeed, he had admitted as much when he wrote to her on May 25th: 'My dearest child - You have had some... difficulties of which I am completely in the dark.' (EL: 72)

    ... признак... того, что король Леопольд был не в курсе дел своей племянницы. Фактически, он сам признал это в своем письме от 25 мая: 'Мое дорогое дитя, у вас возникли какие-то... трудности, но я пребываю в полном неведении.'

    • '... dear Bertie is so full of good & amiable qualities... that it makes one forget... much that one would wish different.' Nevertheless one did wish much different, indeed, almost his whole way of life. (EL: 457)

    '... у дорогого Берти так много хороших и приятных качеств, что забываешь многое из того, что хотелось бы изменить.' Однако при этом изменить хотелось немало, по сути весь его образ жизни.

    • The exhausted prince was unable, indeed unwilling to fill the gap. (EL: 364)

    Изнуренный принц не мог, да и не хотел заполнить образовавшийся вакуум.

    • The Princess's health... was back to normal; indeed she had to return... smart gaiters sent by Aunt Louise from Paris because they were too small. (EL: 68)

    Здоровье принцессы... восстановилось; ей даже пришлось вернуть нарядные гетры, присланные тетей Луизой из Парижа из-за того, что они оказались малы.

    • Victoria's character was in fact neither simple nor crystalline. Indeed, part of her fascination lies in her contradictions and inconsistencies... (EL: 54)

    Характер Виктории на самом деле не был ни простым, ни однозначным. Более того, ее обаяние отчасти заключается в свойственных ей противоречиях и непоследовательности.

    Иногда частица indeed может использоваться для выражения раздражения, указывая на то, что предшествующее высказывание, некое суждение является неточным, неправильным или оскорбительным, или же некое событие представляется неприемлемым или возмутительным.
    Рассмотрим следующие примеры:

    • '... I should have said that husband of yours had quite a roving eye!' 'Really, Blanche!' Joan flushed angrily. A roving eye, indeed. Rodney! ( AC2: 14)

    '... Я бы сказала, что этот твой муженек был порядочным бабником.'

    'Как ты можешь, Бланш!' Джоан покраснела от возмущения. Бабник! Как можно так сказать о Родни!

    • No she didn't blame Rodney - not even for that kiss she had surprised. Under the mistletoe indeed! ( AC2: 39)

    Нет, она не винила Родни, даже за тот поцелуй, случайным свидетелем которого она оказалась. И надо же, не где-нибудь, а под омелой!

    В первом примере раздражение героини вызвала предыдущая реплика собеседницы о ее муже, во втором - то, что ее муж целовался именно под омелой, деревом, под которым по традиции целуются влюбленные. Как видно, способ перевода на русский определяется конкретной ситуацией.

    Английские частицы. Англо-русский словарь > indeed

  • 5 indeed

    1. adverb
    1) (really; in fact; as you say; of course etc: `He's very talented, isn't he?' He is indeed; `Do you remember your grandmother?' `Indeed I do!')
    2) (used for emphasis: Thank you very much indeed; He is very clever indeed.) realmente; efectivamente, claro

    2. interjection
    (used to show surprise, interest etc: `John said your idea was stupid.' `Indeed!') ¿de verdad?, ¡no me digas!
    indeed adv
    1. realmente
    2. en efecto / efectivamente
    did you really hit him? I did indeed ¿es verdad que le pegaste? Efectivamente
    1 (yes, certainly) efectivamente, en efecto
    are you Mr Fox? yes, indeed ¿es el Sr Fox? sí, efectivamente
    do you like chocolates? yes, indeed I do ¿te gustan los bombones? sí, mucho
    did you hear that bang? indeed I did! ¿has oído esa explosión? ¡ya lo creo!
    may I? indeed you may ¿puedo? claro que puedes
    2 (intensifier) realmente, de veras, de verdad
    3 formal use (in fact) realmente, en realidad, de hecho; (what is more) es más
    I was happy, indeed delighted, that you won me alegré, en realidad me encantó, tu victoria
    1 (showing surprise, disbelief, etc) ¿de verdad?, ¿de veras?, ¡no me digas!
    he said you gave it to him - did he indeed? dijo que se lo habías regalado - ¿de veras?
    a new car indeed! whatever next! ¡un coche nuevo dices! ¡vaya, vaya!
    indeed [ɪn'di:d] adv
    1) truly: verdaderamente, de veras
    thank you very much indeed: muchísimas gracias
    3) of course: claro, por supuesto
    de veras adv.
    ello adv.
    en efecto adv.
    por cierto adv.
    verdaderamente adv.

    I ɪn'diːd
    b) ( emphatic)

    do you like champagne? - indeed I do o I do indeed — ¿te gusta el champán? - sí, mucho

    I believe we've met before - indeed we have, a couple of years ago — creo que nos conocemos - en efecto or así es, nos conocimos hace un par de años

    a) ( in fact)

    the wheel was indeed loose — en efecto, la rueda estaba suelta

    this may indeed be the case, but... — quizás sea así or no digo que no sea así, pero...

    c) ( what is more) (as linker)

    the situation hasn't improved; indeed it has worsened — la situación no ha mejorado; es más: ha empeorado

    a rare, indeed unique, example — un ejemplo, ya no poco común, sino único

    she says she's fat - fat indeed! — dice que está gorda - sí, ya, gordísima

    1) (=in fact) de hecho

    I feel, indeed I know, he is wrong — creo, de hecho sé or en realidad sé, que está equivocado

    we have nothing against diversity, indeed, we want more of it — no tenemos nada en contra de la diversidad, de hecho queremos que haya más

    if indeed he is wrong — si es que realmente se equivoca, si efectivamente se equivoca

    it is indeed true that... — es en efecto verdad que...

    that is praise indeed — eso es todo un elogio, eso sí es una alabanza

    very... indeed: to be very good/small/intelligent indeed — ser verdaderamente or realmente bueno/pequeño/inteligente

    "isn't it a beautiful day?" - "yes, indeed!" — -¿a que es un día precioso? -¡desde luego! or -¡y que lo digas! or -¡ya lo creo!

    "did you know him?" - "I did indeed" — -¿lo conocías? -sí que lo conocía or -claro que sí

    "are you Professor Ratburn?" - "indeed I am" or "I am indeed" — -¿es usted el profesor Ratburn? -sí, señor or -el mismo

    "may I go?" - "indeed you may not!" — -¿puedo ir? -¡claro que no! or -¡por supuesto que no!

    indeed?, is it indeed?, did you indeed? — ¿de veras?, ¿de verdad?, ¿ah, sí?

    5) (expressing disbelief, surprise, scorn)

    "I did the best I could" - "indeed!" — -lo hice lo mejor que pude -¡por supuesto! or -¡claro, claro! iro

    "he said he would do it" - "did he indeed?" — -dijo que lo haría -¿eso dijo? or -¿no me digas?

    "he said I was too short" - "too short indeed!" — -dijo que era demasiado bajo -¡sí, hombre, bajísimo! iro

    * * *

    I [ɪn'diːd]
    b) ( emphatic)

    do you like champagne? - indeed I do o I do indeed — ¿te gusta el champán? - sí, mucho

    I believe we've met before - indeed we have, a couple of years ago — creo que nos conocemos - en efecto or así es, nos conocimos hace un par de años

    a) ( in fact)

    the wheel was indeed loose — en efecto, la rueda estaba suelta

    this may indeed be the case, but... — quizás sea así or no digo que no sea así, pero...

    c) ( what is more) (as linker)

    the situation hasn't improved; indeed it has worsened — la situación no ha mejorado; es más: ha empeorado

    a rare, indeed unique, example — un ejemplo, ya no poco común, sino único

    she says she's fat - fat indeed! — dice que está gorda - sí, ya, gordísima


    English-spanish dictionary > indeed

  • 6 indeed

    1) (in truth) in der Tat; tatsächlich
    2) (emphatic)

    it was very kind of you indeedes war wirklich sehr freundlich von Ihnen

    indeed it isin der Tat; allerdings

    yes indeed, it certainly is/I certainly did — etc. ja, das kann man wohl sagen

    no, indeed — nein, ganz bestimmt nicht

    3) (in fact) ja sogar

    if indeed such a thing is possiblewenn so etwas überhaupt möglich ist

    I feel, indeed I know, she will come — ich habe das Gefühl, [ja] ich weiß sogar, dass sie kommen wird

    4) (admittedly) zugegebenermaßen; zwar
    5) interrog.

    indeed? — wirklich?; ist das wahr?

    6) (expr. irony, surprise, interest, etc.)

    He expects to win - Does he indeed! — Er glaubt, dass er gewinnt - Tatsächlich?

    I want a fortnight off work - [Do you] indeed! — Ich möchte 14 Tage freihaben - Ach wirklich?

    * * *
    [in'di:d] 1. adverb
    1) (really; in fact; as you say; of course etc: `He's very talented, isn't he?' He is indeed; `Do you remember your grandmother?' `Indeed I do!') allerdings
    2) (used for emphasis: Thank you very much indeed; He is very clever indeed.) in der Tat
    2. interjection
    (used to show surprise, interest etc: `John said your idea was stupid.' `Indeed!') nicht möglich! echt?!
    * * *
    I. adv inv
    1. (for emphasis) in der Tat, wirklich
    this is bad news \indeed! das sind allerdings schlechte Nachrichten!; (actually) tatsächlich
    the limited evidence suggests that errors may \indeed be occurring das eingeschränkte Beweismaterial lässt darauf schließen, dass tatsächlich Fehler auftreten
    many people are very poor \indeed viele Menschen sind wirklich sehr arm
    thank you very much \indeed! vielen herzlichen Dank!
    very disappointed/happy \indeed esp BRIT wirklich enttäuscht/glücklich
    2. (affirmation) allerdings
    is this your dog?it is \indeed ist das Ihr Hund? — allerdings
    yes, I did \indeed say that ja, das habe ich allerdings gesagt
    3. (for strengthening) ja
    he was too proud, too arrogant \indeed er war zu stolz, ja, zu arrogant
    II. interj [ja,] wirklich, ach, wirklich oft iron
    I saw you in the newspaper — \indeed? ich habe Sie in der Zeitung gesehen — sagen Sie bloß!
    when will we get a pay rise?when \indeed? wann bekommen wir eine Gehaltserhöhung? — ja, wann wohl?
    * * *
    1) (= really, in reality, in fact) tatsächlich, wirklich, in der Tat

    I am indeed quite tiredich bin wirklich or tatsächlich or in der Tat recht müde

    I feel, indeed I know he is right — ich habe das Gefühl, ja ich weiß (sogar), dass er recht hat

    who else? – indeed, who else? — wer sonst? – in der Tat or ganz recht, wer sonst?


    (confirming) isn't that strange? – indeed (it is) — ist das nicht seltsam? – allerdings

    are you coming? – indeed I am! — kommst du? – aber sicher or natürlich

    may I open the window? – you may indeed/indeed you may not — darf ich das Fenster öffnen? – ja bitte, aber gern doch!/nein, das dürfen Sie nicht!

    are you pleased? – yes, indeed or indeed, yes! — bist du zufrieden? – oh ja, das kann man wohl sagen!

    is that Charles? – indeed — ist das Charles? – ganz recht

    3) (as intensifier) wirklich

    very... indeed — wirklich sehr...

    4) (showing interest, irony, surprise) wirklich, tatsächlich

    did you/is it/has she etc indeed? — nein wirklich?, tatsächlich?

    his wife, indeed! — seine Frau..., dass ich nicht lache!

    indeed? — ach so?, ach wirklich?

    where indeed? — ja, wo?

    what indeed? — ja, was?

    5) (= admittedly) zwar

    there are indeed mistakes in it, but... — es sind zwar Fehler darin, aber...


    (expressing possibility) if indeed... — falls... wirklich

    I may indeed comees kann gut sein, dass ich komme

    * * *
    indeed [ınˈdiːd]
    A adv
    1. in der Tat, tatsächlich, wirklich:
    he is very strong indeed er ist wirklich sehr stark;
    did you enjoy yourself? yes, indeed oh ja, das kann man wohl sagen!; und ob!;
    thank you very much indeed vielen herzlichen Dank!; I didn’t mind, indeed I was pleased ich war sogar froh;
    that indeed is his name er heißt tatsächlich so;
    if indeed he should come falls er tatsächlich kommen sollte
    2. (fragend) wirklich?, tatsächlich?: I asked my boss for a salary increase. did you indeed? tatsächlich?
    3. a) allerdings, freilich
    b) zwar:
    there are indeed some difficulties, but …
    B int ach wirklich?, was Sie nicht sagen!
    * * *
    1) (in truth) in der Tat; tatsächlich
    2) (emphatic)

    indeed it is — in der Tat; allerdings

    yes indeed, it certainly is/I certainly did — etc. ja, das kann man wohl sagen

    no, indeed — nein, ganz bestimmt nicht

    3) (in fact) ja sogar

    I feel, indeed I know, she will come — ich habe das Gefühl, [ja] ich weiß sogar, dass sie kommen wird

    4) (admittedly) zugegebenermaßen; zwar
    5) interrog.

    indeed? — wirklich?; ist das wahr?

    6) (expr. irony, surprise, interest, etc.)

    He expects to win - Does he indeed! — Er glaubt, dass er gewinnt - Tatsächlich?

    I want a fortnight off work - [Do you] indeed! — Ich möchte 14 Tage freihaben - Ach wirklich?

    * * *
    allerdings adv.
    gewiss adv.
    tatsächlich adv. adv.
    = in der Tat ausdr.

    English-german dictionary > indeed

  • 7 indeed

    1) в самом деле, конечно, действительно, несомненно

    I am indeed very pleased to hear it. — Я в самом деле очень рад это слышать.

    3) (выражает интерес, удивление, иронию)
    Наречие indeed усиливает значение последующего или предыдущего прилагательного или наречия, при этом прилагательное обязательно определяется наречием very: it is a very rare bird indeed это действительно очень редкая птица; she got very angry indeed она и вправду очень рассердилась. Усилительное indeed употребляется в утвердительных предложениях и стоит после группы слов или слова, которое оно усиливает. В отрицательных предложениях вместо indeed употребляется at all: she was not angry at all она совсем не сердилась. Indeed может усиливать все последующее предложение: he said he would leave immediately and indeed he did он сказал, что тут же уедет и, действительно, так и сделал; she wants to stay for a week, indeed, she arrives tonight она хочет пробыть здесь неделю, в самом деле, она приезжает уже сегодня

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > indeed

  • 8 indeed

    جِدًّا \ awfully: very: It’s awfully hot in here. She’s awfully pretty. ever so: very: It’s ever so easy. exceedingly: very: He’s exceedingly clever. extra: more than usually: an extra large bill. extremely: very: You’re extremely kind. frightfully: very: He’s frightfully clever. great: (giving more force to an adjective): That’s a great big dog. greatly: very much: He was greatly ashamed. indeed: coming after an adj. or adv. and giving special force to very: Thank you very much indeed. jolly: very: a jolly good book. most: very: It was most kind of you to help. only too: (with an adj. or p.p.) very: I should be only too pleased to help you. so: (following a negative) showing a comparison: He’s bigger than you, but he’s not so strong (as you). He’s not so strong a boy (not such a strong boy) as you are, showing an effect It was so cold that the water froze. He’s not so ill as to need a doctor;, (stressed) very: I’m so glad that you won!. stiff: (with the verbs bore, scare, worry) to a state of tiredness; nearly to death: Long speeches bore me stiff. stone: (with a few special adj.) completely: stone cold; stone dead. such: of a kind that produces a certain result: It was such a heavy box that I could not lift it. Its weight was such that I could not lift it. unusually: (with an adj.) very; strangely: It is unusually cold in here today. very: (giving special force to an adv. or adj., or to the nouns many, much, few, little): very soon; very hot; very little to eat. well: quite a long way: He’s well over 60. Stand well back from the line.

    Arabic-English glossary > indeed

  • 9 indeed

    adv действительно, в самом деле Наречие indeed усиливает значение последующего или предыдущего прилагательного или наречия, при этом прилагательное обязательно определяется наречием very:

    It is a very rare bird indeed — Это действительно очень редкая птица.

    She got very angry indeed — Она и вправду очень рассердилась.

    Усилительное indeed употребляется в утвердительных предложениях и стоит после группы слов или слова, которое оно усиливает. В отрицательных предложениях вместо indeed употребляется at all:

    She was not angry at all — Она совсем не сердилась.

    Indeed может усиливать все последующее предложение:

    He said he would leave immediately and indeed he did — Он сказал, что тут же уедет и, действительно, так и сделал.

    She wants to stay for a week. Indeed, she arrives tonight — Она хочет пробыть здесь неделю. В самом деле, она приезжает уже сегодня.

    English-Russian word troubles > indeed

  • 10 indeed

    فِعْلاً \ actually: (of sth. unexpected) even: He not only finished the race but actually won it. indeed: really; certainly: Will I help? Yes, indeed I will. John’s coming today. Indeed? Nobody told me!. really: truly; in fact: Is he really your son? He does not look like you!.

    Arabic-English glossary > indeed

  • 11 Not

    f; -, Nöte
    1. nur Sg.; (Mangel, Armut) want, need, poverty; (Notlage) plight; (Elend) auch misery; wirtschaftliche Not economic plight; Not leiden suffer want ( oder privation); die Not leidende Bevölkerung the needy people; in der Stunde der Not at the hour of need; für Zeiten der Not for a rainy day; in Not geraten / sein encounter hard times / be suffering want; keine Not kennen be well-off; Not macht erfinderisch necessity is the mother of invention; in der Not frisst der Teufel Fliegen umg. any port in a storm, beggars can’t be choosers; Not kennt kein Gebot Sprichw. necessity knows no law; Not lehrt beten Sprichw. need teaches you how to pray
    2. (Schwierigkeit) difficulty, trouble; (Bedrängnis) distress; (Gefahr) danger; Nöte difficulties, problems; in tausend Nöten sein be in real trouble ( oder a real mess); in Not sein be in trouble; in Not geraten run into difficulties; in höchster Not in dire straits; Rettung in oder aus höchster Not rescue from extreme difficulties; in meiner etc. Not in my etc. predicament
    3. nur Sg. (Mühe): seine liebe Not haben have a hard time (of it); mit jemandem / etw. seine liebe Not haben have a hard time with s.o. / s.th; ich hatte meine liebe Not, wieder ans Ufer zu schwimmen I had great difficulty in swimming back to the bank; ohne Not without any problem
    4. nur Sg.; (Notwendigkeit) necessity; damit hat es keine Not it’s not urgent; ohne Not solltest du das nicht tun you shouldn’t do that unless it’s really necessary; zur Not if necessary, if need be; (gerade noch) at (Am. in) a pinch; stärker: if (the) worst comes to (the) worst; wenn Not am Mann ist if need be; stärker: if (the) worst comes to (the) worst; hier ist oder tut Hilfe Not geh. I etc. need help here; es täte dir Not zu (+ Inf.) Dial. you would do well to (+ Inf.), what you really need is to (+ Inf.) aus der Not eine Tugend machen make a virtue of necessity; der Not gehorchend geh. bowing to necessity; siehe auch Mühe, knapp I
    * * *
    die Not
    (Bedrängnis) hardship; distress;
    (Mangel) privation; need; want
    * * *
    f -, -e
    1) no pl (= Mangel, Elend) need(iness), want, poverty

    hier herrscht große Nót — there is great poverty here

    eine Zeit der Nót — a time of need, a lean time

    aus Nót — out of poverty

    Nót leiden — to suffer deprivation

    Nót leidend (Bevölkerung, Land) — impoverished; Unternehmen, Wirtschaft ailing; (Comm) Wechsel, Wertpapier dishonoured (Brit), dishonored (US); Kredit unsecured

    in Nót leben — to live in poverty

    Nót macht erfinderisch (Prov)necessity is the mother of invention (Prov)

    in der Nót schmeckt jedes Brot (Prov)beggars can't be choosers (prov)

    Nót kennt kein Gebot (Prov)necessity knows no law (Prov)

    2) (= Bedrängnis) distress no pl, affliction; (= Problem) problem

    in seiner Nót — in his hour of need

    in unserer Nót blieb uns nichts anderes übrig — in this emergency we had no choice

    jdm seine Nót klagen — to tell sb one's troubles, to cry on sb's shoulder (inf)

    in Nót sein — to be in distress

    in Nót geraten — to get into serious difficulties

    wenn Nót am Mann ist — if the need arises

    Freunde in der Nót (gehen tausend auf ein Lot) (Prov)a friend in need (is a friend indeed) (Prov)

    der Retter in der Nót — the knight in shining armour (Brit) or armor (US)

    Hilfe in höchster Nót — help in the nick of time

    in höchster Nót sein, sich in höchster Nót befinden — to be in dire straits

    in Ängsten und Nöten schweben — to be in fear and trembling

    jdm in der Nót beistehen —

    jetzt ist Holland in Nót! — now we're in dire straits!

    3) no pl (= Sorge, Mühe) difficulty, trouble

    er hat seine liebe Nót mit ihr/damit — he really has problems with her/it, he really has his work cut out with her/it (inf)

    die Eltern hatten Nót, ihre fünf Kinder zu ernähren —

    es hat or damit hat's keine Nót (old)there's no rush

    4) (= Zwang, Notwendigkeit) necessity

    der Nót gehorchend — bowing to necessity

    etw nicht ohne Nót tun — not to do sth without having to

    ohne Nót — without good cause

    zur Nót — if necessary, if need(s) be

    aus der Nót geboren sein — to be born of necessity

    aus der Nót eine Tugend machen — to make a virtue (out) of necessity

    Nót sein — to be necessary

    * * *
    (poverty or other difficulty: Many people are in great need.) need
    * * *
    <-, Nöte>
    [ˈno:t, pl ˈnø:tə]
    1. kein pl (Armut) need, poverty, hardship
    das war eine Zeit der \Not it was a time of need, a lean time
    es herrscht bittere \Not there is abject poverty
    in diesem Land herrscht große \Not there is great poverty and hardship in this country
    aus \Not out of poverty
    in \Not geraten to encounter hard times
    in \Not leben to live in poverty
    \Not leiden to live in poverty, to suffer deprivation
    \Not leidend destitute
    \Not leidende Menschen people in need
    2. (Bedrängnis) distress, affliction
    jdm in der \Not beistehen to support sb at a difficult time, to help sb in times of trouble
    in \Not geraten to get into difficulties [or dire straits]
    jdm in der Stunde der \Not helfen to help sb in her/his hour of need
    jdm seine \Not klagen to pour out one's troubles to sb
    in \Not [o Nöten] sein to be in difficulties [or dire straits]
    in seiner/ihrer \Not in his/her distress [or desperation]
    in seiner \Not wusste er sich nicht anders zu helfen he couldn't see what else he could do
    in höchster \Not in extremis
    Rettung in höchster \Not rescue in extremis
    Hilfe in höchster \Not help in the nick of time
    3. pl (Problem)
    die Nöte des Alltags humdrum problems, the problems of everyday living
    in Ängsten und Nöten schweben to be hot and bothered
    die Nöte des kleinen Mannes the average person's problems
    in tausend Nöten sein to be up to one's hips in alligators fam
    4. kein pl (Mühe, Sorge) difficulty, trouble
    sie hatten \Not, ihre sechs Kinder zu ernähren they had difficulty in feeding their six children
    seine liebe \Not haben mit jdm/etw to have one's work cut out with sb/sth, to have a lot of trouble [or problems] with sb/sth
    sie hat ihre liebe \Not mit ihrem Sohn she really has her work cut out with her son
    seine liebe \Not haben, etw zu tun to have one's work cut out doing sth
    mit knapper \Not just, by the skin of one's teeth
    mit knapper \Not hat sie den Zug noch erreicht she just managed to catch the train; s.a. Mühe
    5. kein pl (veraltend: Notwendigkeit) necessity
    damit hat es keine \Not there's no rush
    ohne \Not sollte man nicht zu so drastischen Maßnahmen greifen if there is no need, one shouldn't resort to such drastic measures
    im Deutschen werden oft ohne \Not Anglizismen für die Bezeichnung neuer Gegenstände verwendet in German, Anglicisms are often used for describing new articles when there is actually no need [to use foreign words]
    der \Not gehorchend out of necessity
    tun, was die \Not gebietet to do what has to be done
    etw nicht ohne \Not tun not to do sth without having to
    \Not bricht Eisen (prov) desperation gives you strength
    \Not macht erfinderisch (prov) necessity is the mother of invention prov
    in der \Not frisst der Teufel Fliegen (prov) beggars can't be choosers prov
    wenn die \Not am größten, ist Gottes Hilfe am nächsten (prov) man's extremity is God's opportunity prov
    [da/jetzt/bei ihm ist] Holland in \Not [o Nöten] (prov) things are looking grim, now we are in for it
    \Not kennt kein Gebot (prov) necessity knows no law
    \Not lehrt beten (prov) in our hour of need we all turn to God
    wenn \Not am Mann ist (fam) in times of need
    das sind mir gute Freunde, wenn \Not am Mann ist, haben sie sich alle verdünnisiert! that's what I call good friends — when I/you really needed them they all cleared off!
    eigentlich wollte ich morgen zum Angeln gehen, aber wenn wirklich \Not am Mann ist... actually, I wanted to go fishing tomorrow but if you're really stuck...
    in der \Not schmeckt jedes Brot (prov) hunger is the best cook prov
    in \Not und Tod zusammenhalten to stick together through thick and thin
    aus der \Not eine Tugend machen to make a virtue out of necessity
    zur \Not if need[s] be
    * * *
    die; Not, Nöte

    Rettung in od. aus höchster Not — rescue from extreme difficulties

    2) o. Pl. (Mangel, Armut) need; poverty [and hardship]

    Not leidensuffer poverty or want [and hardship]

    3) o. Pl. (Verzweiflung) anguish; distress
    4) (Sorge, Mühe) trouble

    seine [liebe] Not mit jemandem/etwas haben — have a lot of trouble or a lot of problems with somebody/something

    5) o. Pl. (veralt.): (Notwendigkeit) necessity

    zur Not — if need be; if necessary

    Not tun or sein — (geh., landsch.) be necessary

    * * *
    Not f; -, Nöte
    1. nur sg; (Mangel, Armut) want, need, poverty; (Notlage) plight; (Elend) auch misery;
    wirtschaftliche Not economic plight;
    Not leiden suffer want ( oder privation);
    in der Stunde der Not at the hour of need;
    für Zeiten der Not for a rainy day;
    in Not geraten/sein encounter hard times/be suffering want;
    keine Not kennen be well-off;
    Not macht erfinderisch necessity is the mother of invention;
    in der Not frisst der Teufel Fliegen umg any port in a storm, beggars can’t be choosers;
    Not kennt kein Gebot sprichw necessity knows no law;
    Not lehrt beten sprichw need teaches you how to pray
    2. (Schwierigkeit) difficulty, trouble; (Bedrängnis) distress; (Gefahr) danger;
    Nöte difficulties, problems;
    in tausend Nöten sein be in real trouble ( oder a real mess);
    in Not sein be in trouble;
    in Not geraten run into difficulties;
    in höchster Not in dire straits;
    aus höchster Not rescue from extreme difficulties;
    in meiner etc
    Not in my etc predicament
    3. nur sg (Mühe):
    seine liebe Not haben have a hard time (of it);
    mit jemandem/etwas seine liebe Not haben have a hard time with sb/s.th;
    ich hatte meine liebe Not, wieder ans Ufer zu schwimmen I had great difficulty in swimming back to the bank;
    ohne Not without any problem
    4. nur sg; (Notwendigkeit) necessity;
    damit hat es keine Not it’s not urgent;
    ohne Not solltest du das nicht tun you shouldn’t do that unless it’s really necessary;
    zur Not if necessary, if need be; (gerade noch) at (US in) a pinch; stärker: if (the) worst comes to (the) worst;
    wenn Not am Mann ist if need be; stärker: if (the) worst comes to (the) worst;
    hier ist Hilfe Not geh I etc need help here;
    aus der Not eine Tugend machen make a virtue of necessity;
    der Not gehorchend geh bowing to necessity; auch Mühe, knapp A
    * * *
    die; Not, Nöte
    1) (Bedrohung, Gefahr)

    Rettung in od. aus höchster Not — rescue from extreme difficulties

    2) o. Pl. (Mangel, Armut) need; poverty [and hardship]

    Not leidensuffer poverty or want [and hardship]

    3) o. Pl. (Verzweiflung) anguish; distress
    4) (Sorge, Mühe) trouble

    seine [liebe] Not mit jemandem/etwas haben — have a lot of trouble or a lot of problems with somebody/something

    5) o. Pl. (veralt.): (Notwendigkeit) necessity

    zur Not — if need be; if necessary

    Not tun or sein — (geh., landsch.) be necessary

    * * *
    ¨-e f.
    distress n.
    (§ pl.: distresses)
    hardship n.
    misery n.
    necessity n.
    need n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Not

  • 12 indeed

    حَقًّا \ actually: in fact; really: She looks about thirty, but actually she’s thirty-nine. indeed: coming after an adj. or adv. and giving special force to very: Thank you very much indeed. really: truly; in fact: Is he really your son? He does not look like you!, used as an expression of surprise I’ve left my job. "Really?" (a polite inquiry) "you’ve broken a window? Really! You should be more careful." (an angry answer). simply: (usu. before a stressed word) really; certainly: What a simply wonderful idea! You simply must get a new coat. truly: really: Are you truly sorry for your crimes?.

    Arabic-English glossary > indeed

  • 13 not at all

    1) нисколько (не), ничуть (не), отнюдь не(т), вовсе не(т)

    It was not at all improbable that Butler might want to kill him. (Th. Dreiser, ‘The Financier’, ch. XXXVI) — Не исключено, что Батлер пришел с намерением убить его.

    He's a loafer, a gentleman loafer, not at all like his brother. (J. O'Hara, ‘Elizabeth Appleton’, ch. IX) — Партер Дитсон - бездельник. Джентльмен, но бездельник. Совсем не похож на своего брата.

    ‘I bet you wonder what I'm doing here,’ the Lieutenant said. ‘Oh, no,’ said Michael hastily not wishing to get into that conversational department. ‘Not at all.’ (I. Shaw, ‘The Young Lions’, ch. 32) — - Вас, наверно, интересует, что я здесь делаю, - сказал лейтенант. - Нет, что вы, - поспешно ответил Майкл, не желая касаться этой скользкой темы. - Нисколько.

    2) пожалуйста, не стоит (в ответ на "спасибо")

    Laura: "...thank you very much indeed." Alec: "Not at all." (N. Coward, ‘Still Life’, sc. 2) — Лаура: "...большое вам спасибо." Алек: "Не стоит благодарности."

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > not at all

  • 14 not at all

       1) ниcкoлькo (нe), ничуть (нe), oтнюдь нe (т), вoвce нe (т)
        It was not at all improbable that Butler might want to kill him (Th. Dreiser). 'Come now. Aunt Jane,' said Raymond, 'tell us your views. You don't mind, Inspector?' 'Not at all,' said the Inspector politely (A. Christie)
       2) пoжaлуйcтa, нe cтoит блaгoдapнocти (в oтвeт нa "cпacибo")
        Laura....thank you very much indeed. Alec. Not at all (N. Coward)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > not at all

  • 15 A friend in need is a friend indeed.

    Der wahre Freund zeigt sich erst in der Not. ausdr.
    Freunde erkennt man in der Not. ausdr.

    English-german dictionary > A friend in need is a friend indeed.

  • 16 grass does not grow under one's feet

    он (она и т. д.) не теряет времени даром; он (она и т. д.) проявляет инициативу; см. тж. let the grass grow under one's feet

    ‘Oh, you want a job!’ exclaimed Danby, who had been restraining a naturally free and easy manner... ‘I say you haven't lost any time getting here, have you?’ Ernest smiled indicating he was indeed a young man under whose feet grass could not grow. (R. Greenwood, ‘Mr. Bunting’, ch. XV) — - А, вы насчет работы! - воскликнул Дэнби, вновь обретая естественность и непринужденность тона... - Должен сказать, вы не теряли времени даром, не так ли? Эрнст улыбнулся, давая этим понять, какой он и впрямь расторопный, энергичный парень.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > grass does not grow under one's feet

  • 17 Der wahre Freund zeigt sich erst in der Not.

    A friend in need is a friend indeed. expr.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Der wahre Freund zeigt sich erst in der Not.

  • 18 Freunde erkennt man in der Not.

    A friend in need is a friend indeed. expr.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Freunde erkennt man in der Not.

  • 19 I am not having any

    не верю этому; не имею никакой охоты, это меня не устраивает

    My wine merchant tells me he couldn't let me have a single bottle. Indeed, he offered to buy some off me, if I'd sell. But I wasn't having any. A bottle in the cellar is worth ten shillings in the pocket these days. (A. Huxley, ‘Limbo’, ‘Happily Ever After’) — Торговец вином заявил, что не может продать мне ни одной бутылки. Он даже был готов купить вино у меня. Но меня это совершенно не устраивало. В наши дни бутылка вина в погребе лучше, чем десять шиллингов в кармане.

    Tom wanted me to go on with him this morning up to Skye, but I wasn't having any. (D. L. Sayers, ‘Five Red Herrings’, ‘Waters' Story’) — Том хотел, чтобы я сегодня утром поехал с ним до Скай, но я не испытывал ни малейшего желания ехать.

    He told me she wasn't in her apartment, but I wasn't having any and barged right in. (RHD) — Он сказал мне, что ее нет дома. я не поверил и решительно вошел в комнату.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > I am not having any

  • 20 Der wahre Freund zeigt sich erst in der Not.

    A friend in need is a friend indeed.

    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > Der wahre Freund zeigt sich erst in der Not.

См. также в других словарях:

  • Indeed.com — is a job search engine. It was launched in November 2004 as a search engine for jobs with a radically different approach to job search. [cite web|url=http://www.indeed.com/about.jsp|title= About Indeed.com |author=Indeed.com|accessdate=2008 04… …   Wikipedia

  • Indeed — In*deed , adv. [Prep. in + deed.] In reality; in truth; in fact; verily; truly; used in a variety of senses. Esp.: (a) Denoting emphasis; as, indeed it is so. (b) Denoting concession or admission; as, indeed, you are right. (c) Denoting surprise; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Not Myself Tonight — Single by Christina Aguilera from the album Bionic …   Wikipedia

  • Not Ready to Make Nice — Single by Dixie Chicks from the album Taking the Long Way …   Wikipedia

  • Not Quite Dead Enough —   …   Wikipedia

  • Not Fade Away (Angel) — Not Fade Away Angel episode Episode no. Season 5 Episode 22 Directed by Jeffrey Bell Written by …   Wikipedia

  • Not Wanted on the Voyage — is a novel by Canadian author Timothy Findley, which presents a magic realist post modern re telling of the Great Flood in the biblical Book of Genesis. It was first published by Viking Canada in the autumn of 1984. Contents 1 Plot summary 2… …   Wikipedia

  • not have two pennies to rub together — If someone hasn t got two pennies to rub together, they are very poor indeed …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • indeed — in|deed W1S3 [ınˈdi:d] adv [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: in + deed] 1.) [sentence adverb] used to emphasize a statement or answer ▪ The blood tests prove that Vince is indeed the father. ▪ Would it help if you had an assistant? It would indeed. 2.)… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • indeed — [[t]ɪndi͟ːd[/t]] ♦♦ 1) ADV: ADV with v, ADV with cl/group (emphasis) You use indeed to confirm or agree with something that has just been said. Later, he admitted that the payments had indeed been made... He did indeed keep important documents… …   English dictionary

  • indeed — 1. adverb /ɪnˈdiːd/ a) truly; in fact; actually Indeed, he made several misplays. b) In fact. With fresh material, taxonomic conclusions are leavened by recognition that the material examined reflects the site it occupied; a herbarium packet… …   Wiktionary

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